Thursday, August 24, 2006

How to Tell If You Live in a "Small Town"

Last night we were out in the car and we thought we saw some kids fighting up ahead. As we got closer, it was apparent that these older high school guys were violently fighting...for real! They weren't playing! I turned down a side street to avoid getting in the middle of the fight. As I drove away, I noticed in my rear view mirror that 3 white guys were chasing a black guy, and the black guy looked like he was running for his life. I drove to the end of the street and turned around and passed the guys again. There were now four white guys beating up on two black guys.

We turned the corner and ran an errand, and then circled back to see if anything was still going on with the fight. At that time, we heard the sounds of multiple police sirens. About three blocks away from the fight, two cop cars came speeding along and surrounded the two black kids who were obviously walking away from the incident. The one kid was visibly shaken and beat up pretty bad.

As we drove up to where the fight initially was, the four white boys were being questioned by ONE cop on a bike. He didn't even get off his bike! I'm sure this is how that went down:

"I hear you boys were beating on some n-----s!"

"Yes, sir"

"Well, you kids go on home. We'll take care of it from here!"

This is from the same police department that told us during the anthrax scare in 2001 not to worry about white powder on trick-or-treat candy because the terrorists "were only doing that through the mail!"

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