Saturday, April 18, 2009

My Week In Movies - Comebacks and Confessions

It's kind of nice that we had enough material this week to save this feature until the end of the week. Here's what I saw last week...

The Comebacks (2007) I saw this one in the theatre when it came out and really enjoyed it. As you may know, I'm a huge fan of the silly, joke-a-minute Airplane! style comedies. They are probably my favorite sub-genre of film. The Comebacks in one of the better ones to come down the pike in a while. It's much better than the "Date Movie/Epic Movie/Disaster Movie" family of films and almost as good as Scary Movie 3 & 4. The Combacks focuses on sports movies and lampoons just about every major sports flick that's come out in the last 7-8 years. There's some good sight gags, word play, and just plain silly slapstick humor to be had here. And, in my book, you can never go wrong with an unnecessary musical number!

Confessions of a Superhero (2007) I'd been wanting to see this documentary for a while. It focuses on four struggling actors who make their living standing in front of the Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, dressed as famous movie Superheroes, and having their pictures taken with tourists for tips. Interesting gig, huh? We meet Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and The Hulk. They all have interesting stories about how they ended up doing this for a living but there really isn't enough to tell to fill up 90 minutes. The Superman guy is as obsessed with the Man of Steel as any Star Wars nerd you've ever met. He's easily the most interesting of the four. The girl that plays Wonder Woman is pretty, so that'll hold your interest but Batman and Hulk don't really add a whole lot to the picture. This movie was a good idea, it just kind of runs out of steam before it hits the finish line. It's running this month on IFC, and it's available on Netflix.

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