Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Mysterious Flintstone Wall

The other day while we were driving to Dinosaur Land [see yesterday's post] we passed a house that sat up on a hill and was surrounded by a wall with a mural on it. The mural featured several scenes of Americana on it, including baseball and people dancing. I pointed it out to everyone in the car, as it's unusual to see a private residence with a mural on their property and as we passed it I did a double take. It was Fred, Wilma and the gang that were doing the dancing on this odd painting. How cool is that!? At the encouragement of my wife (who always plays along with my obsession of everything Flintstone and Yogi Bear related) we made the next turn, drove down a few blocks and came up the main road again so we could slow down and snap a few pictures of it. It kind of looks like the kind of thing you'd see on the side of a little store in Mexico or somewhere like that, but this is actually right on a residential street in the middle of Virginia! Kind of weird, very cool, and pretty fitting since we were on our way to see Dinosaurs! Wouldn't you say?

photographs by my Wilma

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