Monday, January 25, 2010

Taylor Swift in a Box

It always cracks me up when actual human-type people become lines of merchandising. So now joining the ranks of Britney Spears, Jeff Gordon, Larry The Cable Guy, the Spice Girls and so many others we bring you country/pop crossover superstar Taylor Swift and her new line of dolls. As with most dolls, they look just like Barbie in a box that doesn't say Barbie. But if you push her tummy she'll belt out a few seconds of one of her hit songs.

The selection at the Wal-Mart I saw these at was pretty picked over, yet there were still about 5 different outfits that Taylor came in. Plus, as with any good can buy accessories! Taylor Swift needs a shinny silvery chair to sit in!
I guess in some respects, Taylor Swift is a better role model for little girls than Barbie. She's shaped like a real person and she's worked hard to get where she is today. That's not to say Barbie hasn't worked hard! You can't just be a teacher/veterinarian/doctor/mountain climber/astronaut without a little grunt work.

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