1) "Santa Claus is Coming To Town" by Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band For the holy love of the little baby Jesus, would they stop playing this song! Why on earth have radio stations adopted this tune as the Single Most overplayed holiday ditty!? I swear on the North Pole telephone directory, you can't go 20 minutes in the months of November and December without hearing this song. Go ahead, put the radio on to one of those Christmas stations and I guarantee you'll hear it by the time you're finished reading this list.
2)"Wonderful Christmastime" by Paul McCartney Seriously, is this not like the worst song EVER recorded!? The only thing more terrible this Paul McCartney warbling this song is when somebody else tries to record it.
3) "Do They Know It's Christmastime?" by Band Aid I kid you not, hearing this song makes me wish Christmas time was over! I can hear it on November 14 and wish it was January 3rd all ready! Honestly, just an awful, awful song! I don't even know what it's about because I can't listen to it all the way through!
4) "The Christmas Shoes" by Anyone Who Sings It Can a song more obviously just go straight for your heart strings? This tune about a kid's dying mom on Christmas eve is so forcefully set-up to make you go "awwww, that's the saddest thing ever" that it should be offensive to anyone who's ever died! Seriously, what a steaming pile of crap! Also, the book and movie of the same name can burn on the yule log as well!
5) "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus" by John Mellencamp As with the rest of the John Mellencamp/John Cougar Mellencamp catalog, does anyone really need to hear this song again? Just about played to death from the moment the first copy came off the CD press! For Christmas, I'd like to see all of John Cougar Mellencamp's music buried into the ground for 50 years. Then in 2058, we can dig them up and see if anyone really wants to move forward with listening to those CD's for the rest of eternity!
6) "Winter Wonderland" by Eurythmics This is an utterly soul-less, unimaginative 3 1/2 minutes of Christmas music that seems to be the first holiday song ya hear every season and about the every fourth song you'll hear for the rest of the year. This song makes me want to bury myself in the ground and not come up until around Groundhog Day.
7) "Last Christmas" by Wham Everytime this song comes on the radio, I turn it up thinking it's some great 80's classic and then quickly remember it's this boring snoozefest of a song! George Michael should stick to picking up male prostitutes and leaving the Christmas songs to somebody else.
8) Anything by the Trans Siberian Orchestra First of all, the Trans Siberian Orchestra is a total knock-off of Mannheim Steamroller. Second of all, it's devil music disguised as Christmas music and third, the only thing their music is good for is syncing a Christmas light display to it. And that's been done to death allready so go back to Trans Siberia, Trans Siberian Orchestra. You country or town...or whatever needs their culture back!
Amen and amen.
I like newer versions of Last Christmas, but the rest of your list is solid. Nice.
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