Wow! Does this really seem appropriate!? This picture of a Strawberry Shortcake puzzle was sent in by our good friend Brian in CA who was out doing some Christmas shopping for his youngin' when he stumbled upon this holiday "delight". Sure, for the most part this picture is wholesome and cute but is a children's puzzle really the right place to do a parody of "Sex in the City"? Odd Choice, don't you think!? Maybe next they'll do "My Little Desperate Pony Housewives"!
One time on Sesame Street, Elmo was watching the "Foot Channel" and the announcer said, "Stay Tuned for Socks in the City." It seems a quick joke like that is ok, but making a toy based on a joke of Sex in the City is a little much! Anyway, what's with Strawberry Shortcakes plastic surgery face!? What ever happened to the good ol' Strawberry Shortcake that used to fight the Peculiar Purple Pie Man of Porcupine Peak and take her dog to the Dog Show in Big Apple City!? Now those were the times!
Insert Atari 2600 Purple Pie Man theme music here....
#1. Thanks to my husband's comment I will now be singing the Purple Pie Man theme music for the rest of the day.
#2. Agreed, inappropriate.
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