We started our adventures off with lunch at Pioneer Beef, one of those little run-down looking Pit-Beef stands that sits off the road on a gravel lot and most people just ignore. It's on Rolling Rd. in Catonsville, near Security Mall right under the 70 Overpass. We've had a lot of pit-beef in our days, and Pioneer Beef continues to be the best pit-beef sandwich you can get for your money. Fantastic! They also have outrageous fries! I got a huge sandwich, fries and a large Diet Coke for $6.75. The place is great, we've been going there for years. You should check it out! Kevin and I would be glad to take you!
Our next stop was The Candy Box which is a little candy store in Catonsville on Frederick Rd. They had a cool selection of penny candy and chocolates plus they have an awesome concoction of a snowball mixed with a soft serve ice cream. I think many places do this now, but The Candy Box was one of the first. I opted out of the frozen treat and instead decided to "be good" and get some sugar free candy. The lady behind the counter asked if I've had sugar free candy before, which of course I had, and she proceeded to tell me that eating more than two pieces has a laxative effect on you. Whatever! I've eaten plenty of sugar free candy and never gotten sick! Thanks for the warning! But then I felt like I was being rude if I bought too much so I only got three little pieces of chocolate.

When we left the movie, my stomach was hurting really bad. I felt like I had stuffed myself with junk food. Yet all I had really eaten was lunch (hours ago), some candy, and some free samples at various locations throughout the mall. Man, I felt horrible. Then it hit me! The candy! The sugar free candy that supposedly had a laxative effect! The sugar free candy with the laxative effect warning that I disregarded and ate several pieces of!
I HATE public restrooms! But, to make a long story short, I spent quite a bit of the evening in the Sears bathroom and later at a bathroom in a nearby bookstore. I still didn't feel right all night!
And I was trying to be good by eating something sugar free!!! I guess I'm taking sugar-free chocolate off my list of things I eat! Wow!
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