Last month we visited "Five Yummy Cereals You Forgot About" and I got some requests for more forgotten gems from our breakfast bowls. Brian in CA had space in his brain to remember this movie tie-in from the 1991 Kevin Costner film "Robin Hood and the Prince of Thieves." This is probably the only cereal based on a Kevin Costner movie, unless there was a Waterworld cereal I don't know about. One more lame thing about merchandising for this movie was the Robin Hood Tree House playset which was actually the old Ewoks Tree House Playset in a different box.

Back in the days when every cartoon character got his or her own cereal, this strawberry laced treat hit breakfast tables. I'm sure a box of this sweetness never made it's way into our house since I don't have sisters, but then again maybe it did. That's exactly the kind of thing I would have done just to tick off my dad!

Dunkin Donuts cereal was filled with so much sugar, the day after we went grocery shopping I opened the cupboard to get out the cereal and the entire back corner of our kitchen was covered in ants! The Dunkin Donuts cereal box was filled with millions of ants! Obviously we had to throw the whole box out, and my folks wouldn't buy it for us again. Sadly, the sweet...sweet taste of Dunkin' Donuts cereal will be one I never experience.

Two things about C3-P0's: their shape had nothing to do with anything at all relating to Star Wars. They were shaped like little oblong 8's!?!? I don't remember what that was all about. The second thing is that not too long after C3-PO's stopped showing up on the shelves, Kellogg's repackaged the exact same cereal as some cruddy health cereal. Either way, it was based on Star Wars and it came with cut-out Star Wars Character masks on the back of each box!

This was probably the last obligatory cartoon character cereal. The Bart Simpson flavor shown here was Peanut Butter and Chocolate. There was also a Homer Simpson flavor that was Cinnamon Glazed Donut flavor!
Mmmmm...artificial donut flavored cereal!!!!
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